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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Osho is the only solution for all the misery of humanity. Osho means - " selflessness "

Osho is the only solution.
for all the misery of humanity.
for all the masks & falsity.

Osho is the only womb
to give birth for new man

Osho is the only ambrosia
to live in a new man

Osho is the only eye
to see the formless face of Divine

Osho is the only ear.
to listen the soundless tunes of silence.

Osho is the only mouth
to express the wordless love.

Osho is the only touch
to give the wakeful shock to the mind.

Osho is the only light
to replace the darkness of ignorance.

Osho is the only smile.
which welcomes the death

Osho means “ selflessness ”.

To experience Osho means
to experience the selflessness.

To understand Osho
means to understand selflessness.

To know Osho
means to know selflessness.

To love Osho
means to love selflessness.

To surrender to Osho
means to surrender to selflessness.

To dive & to dissolve into Osho
means to dive & dissolve into selflessness.

To live Osho
to live selflessness.

To be Osho
means to be selflessness.

To share Osho
means to share selflessness.

To spread Osho
means to spread selflessness.

The only pathless path
to this selflessness which has been showed
through our beloved mother-master Osho is
nothing but just to be Meditative.

To be Meditative..
whosoever you are..
wherever you are..
with whomsoever you are..
in whatever you are..


To loose your “ self ”  too
in deep meditativeness.

No where to go.
No way to go &
There is no one to go.

Close your eyes my dear zorba..
Just close your eyes.

sw.anand vikas,

yogosho : artofbeing