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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Go as my messenger. Spread.. Whatsoever you have tasted here to as many as people possible.

My effort is to make this whole earth a Buddha field.

Wherever my sannyasins are...

There is a mini Buddha field.

And now you are one of my sannyasins.

You will function there as a vehicle to me.

Allow me to function through you...

And a mini Buddha field will be created.

Slowly ...  Slowly...

Each of my sannyasin has to become a Buddha field..

He has to carry around himself the Aroma of Enlightenment, of Love, of Prayer.

He has to create a small climate that follows him wherever he goes...

He has to remain in that small atmosphere of his own.

Wherever he goes, it follows him like a shadow.

Soon we are going to fill the whole Earth with many many Sannyasins.

Wherever a Sannyasin is ..

There is an Oasis.

And a Single Sannyasin can trigger the process...

And many more source can be ignited, can be made aflame.

And this is going to happen with you.

I have seen in you a great potential.

You can become a True vehicle to me.

You can be a hallow bamboo.

And I can sing the song.

And I spread the fragrance and the nectar that you have tasted.

What else we can give to our friends?

What else we can give to our lovers, beloveds?

Our wives, husbands, children, parents..?

What more is there to give?


What is more precious than to give them a little taste of Buddha hood?

Whatsoever you have tasted here, Share it.

And by sharing it will go on growing.

In the inner world,

the economics is totally different than in the outer.

In the outer if you share, you loose.

Whatsoever you give, is lost to you.

In the inner world,

Whatsoever you cling is lost.

Whatsoever you share is yours forever.

Not only that it is yours forever.

It is multiplied.

Give more and you will have more.


with great Joy..

You are carrying a treasure with you.

You are a messenger.

And you are carrying a message

which is immensely needed by humanity today.

It is always been needed.

But never so much as today.

Man has never been in such anguish before.

Man has never been in such a despair before.

Man has never felt so meaningless before.

He needs people whose presence can make him feel again at ease, relaxed.

Whose presence can give him a hope again

that meaning is possible that life can be lived in totally new way.

That there are new ways of life..

New altitudes of life.

That one need not remain empty.

And one can have a new kind of fullness

which does not come

by money,

by power,

by prestige..

But comes only


a meditative awareness..

a loving awareness.

Go as my messenger.


Whatsoever you have tasted here to as many as people possible.

And you will see, the more you spread the message,
the more and more deep rooted you become in it.

You will not loose contact.

Don’t be worried at all.

I will be coming with you.

Following you.

You will find me always very close to you.


Sometimes you can chit chat with me.

And if sometimes the idea arises to have a little dialogue with me..

Don’t feel that it is crazy.

Let the dialogue happen.

And you will be surprised.

That your questions are answered in the same way that I am answering here.

They will be answered from your own deepest resistance of being.

They will be answered by your own center.

The questions come from the circumference.

And the answers come from the center.

In the beginning they will look as if I am answering you.

But, sooner or later you will discover
that they are being answered by your own real self.

The master represents only your real self.

He speaks to you only to provoke the sleeping center of your being.

Once the center is awake, the master becomes silent with the disciple.

anand vikas,
+91 9703939628.

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